I don’t think I have what it takes


Another weekend where I never got enough done. I sat at home, avoiding yoga, saying to myself I will do some more writing. But it didn’t happen as I would have liked. I did some but I was again too distracted by games.This keeps happening. I feel trapped. I can’t, don’t want to give up … Read more

Where am I going with this?

For the past few weeks I have been racked with worry about where my business is going. I have been asking myself questions about my life and business. What exactly am I trying to do? What is my business for? What’s the purpose of my business, my life? I have looked at many sources on … Read more

I have to get out


I have to get out. I’m not sure I can take it anymore. This job, this lifestyle. I so want to be free and just read, help others through my ideas. I have so many to write about. The work I do now I have to do because I need the money, but the job … Read more